Kevin Blake Magic - self, 2012-2020
America’s Got Talent, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Thrillist, and in my critically acclaimed sell-out show Magic Man. These are all places I have embarrassed myself and my loved ones. When I’m not writing, I’m an occasionally worldwide-performing magician, mentalist, and illusionist. I’ve made a ripple in the magic community for blending genres of magic and sleight of hand with spoken word, music, and comedy to create some unique illusions.
Read more about my magic career here:

Kevin has no memory of his life before copywriting. It has been said that he arrived on Earth in a small altoids tin, along with a receipt for sungalasses. However, based on interviews, two weeks of archival research, and machine analysis of the scars and abrasions on his elbows and knees, it can be said with a confidence interval of 95% that before his current life he was for many millenia an amoeba, a wooden spoon, and then a teacup.